Volume 13

Faculty Coeditors
Michael Dreiling (University of Oregon) and Pedro García-Caro (University of Oregon)

Staff Editor
Kelly Hand

Editorial Assistants
Sarah Mink and Austin Rhea

The Journal of Academic Freedom is supported by funding from the AAUP Foundation. See the call for papers for volume 14.

Paper silhouettes of heads in colors evoking various skin tones, with slight wrinkles in the paper.Table of Contents

Editors’ Introduction: Memory Laws or Gag Laws? Disinformation Meets Academic Freedom
By Michael C. Dreiling and Pedro García-Caro

The Authoritarian Big Chill: Critical Race Theory versus Nostalgia in a Deep Red State
By John R. Wood

Black Out: Backlash and Betrayal in the Academy and Beyond
By Lori Latrice Martin

The War over the Future of Academic Freedom
By Libby Lewis

The Nondebate about Critical Race Theory and Our American Moment
By Harvey Graff

Do Bans on Teaching “Divisive Concepts” Interfere with Students’ Right to Know?
By Juliet Dee

Separate and Unequal Again: The Disparate Impact Texas Gag Orders May Have on Texas's Second-Oldest Institution of Higher Learning
By Tabitha S. M. Morton

Research, Teaching, Both, or Neither: How GoKAR! Redefines Academic Freedom in a Post-truth Society
By Z. W. Taylor, Patricia Somers, and Joshua Childs

Teaching about Contemporary Controversies in High Schools and in University Teacher Education Programs
By Alan Singer, Chris Dier, Pablo Muriel, Adeola Tella-Williams, and Cynthia Vitere

Pride and Prejudice: Teacher Autonomy and Parent Rights in the Incorporation of LGBTQ+ Studies in K–12 Education
By Ricardo Phipps

Public Memory Generates Disinformation on 9/11 in Public Schools
By Amaarah DeCuir

Denial of Denial: Color-Blind Racism and Academic Silencing in France
By Iseult Mc Nulty

Blocking Access to the Recent Past: Threats to Academic Freedom in Postdictatorial Spain
By Sebastiaan Faber

Towards an Unpatriotic Education: Du Bois, Woodson, and the Threat of Nationalist Mythologies
By William Horne


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