Volume 10

Faculty Editor
Rachel Ida Buff
University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee

Staff Editor
Kelly Hand

The Journal of Academic Freedom is supported by funding from the AAUP Foundation

Table of Contents

Editor's Introduction
By Rachel Ida Buff

Compulsory Civility and the Necessity of (Un)Civil Disobedience
By Judy Rohrer

A Vision for Scholar-Activists of Color
By John Streamas

The Danger of Campus Bans on Bullying
By John K. Wilson

The Weaponization of Student Evaluations of Teaching: Bullying and the Undermining of Academic Freedom
By Jason Rodriguez

Endangered and Vulnerable: The Black Professoriate, Bullying, and the Limits of Academic Freedom
By Lori Latrice Martin, Biko Mandela Gray, and Stephen C. Finley

The Tale of Professor X
By Sherryl Kleinman

Postwar Recovery and Student Academic Freedom in Côte d’Ivoire
By Alfred Babo

"Book Burning" in Japan
By Frank Baldwin

No Sanctuary: Japanese American Internment and the Long Arc of Academic Freedom and Shared Governance
By William Kidder, Judy Sakaki, and Daniel Simmons

Dear Administrators: To Protect Your Faculty from Right-Wing Attacks, Follow the Money
By Isaac Kamola

Speech, Academic Freedom, and Privilege
By John F. Covaleskie