Sanctioned Institutions

The following institutions have been sanctioned for infringement of governance standards after Association investigations revealed serious departures by the administration and/or governing board from generally accepted standards of college and university government endorsed by this Association, as set forth in the Statement on Government of Colleges and Universities and derivative governance documents. Institutions are now placed on or removed from this sanction list by vote of the Association's Council.

The publication of these sanctions is for the purpose of informing Association members, the profession at large, and the public that unsatisfactory conditions of academic government exist at the institutions in question.

Reports through 2009 were published in the AAUP Bulletin or Academe, and the issue of publication is indicated parenthetically below the report. Starting in 2010, reports were published first on the AAUP website, in the month and year indicated parenthetically below the report, with print publication following in the next issue of the Bulletin of the AAUP. Clicking on the institution title will take you to the investigative report.

Elmira College,1995
(Sept.-Oct. 1993, 42-52)

Miami Dade College, 2000
(May-June 2000, 73-88)

Antioch University (CA), 2010
(Nov-Dec. 2009, 41-63)

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (NY), 2011
(January 2011)

Union County College (NJ), 2016
(November 2015)

Vermont Law School, 2019
(May 2019)

Canisius College (NY), 2021
(May 2021)

Keuka College (NY), 2021
(May 2021)

Marian University (WI), 2021
(May 2021)

National University (CA), 2021
(May 2021)

Wittenberg University (OH), 2021
(May 2021)

Illinois Wesleyan University (IL), 2021
(November 2021)

New College of Florida, 2024
(December 2023)

Spartanburg Community College (SC), 2024
(December 2023)