Reports & Publications


Academe, the magazine of the AAUP, features articles on a wide range of topics in higher education as well as book reviews, Association news, and opinion columns.

Faculty Compensation Survey

Results of the AAUP's Faculty Compensation Survey are published in April each year with a full Annual Report on the Economic Status of the Profession published in the summer issue of the AAUP magazine, Academe, which is included in AAUP membership.

Bulletin of the AAUP

The Bulletin of the American Association of University Professors brings together in one volume the previous academic year’s academic freedom, tenure, and governance investigative reports; standing committee and ad hoc subcommittee reports; new policy documents and revisions to previously published documents; and selected annual reports of the Association and other relevant business materials.

The Redbook

Widely regarded as an authoritative source on sound academic practice, the AAUP's Policy Documents and Reports, also known as the Redbook, contains the Association's major policy statements.

Journal of Academic Freedom

The AAUP Journal of Academic Freedom publishes scholarship on academic freedom and on its relation to shared governance, tenure, and collective bargaining. Scholarship on academic freedom is typically scattered across a wide range of disciplines; the Journal provides a central place to track the developing international discussion about academic freedom and its collateral issues.


Guidebooks to help our members navigate faculty appointments, the FMLA, and the Pregnancy Discrimination Act.