Volume 12

Faculty Coeditors
Rachel Ida Buff (University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee) and S. Ani Mukherji (Hobart and William Smith Colleges)

Staff Editor
Kelly Hand

Editorial Assistant
Sarah Mink

The Journal of Academic Freedom is supported by funding from the AAUP Foundation

Design by Favianna Rodriguez using artwork by various artists from ReproduceTable of Contents

Editors’ Introduction: Practices of Academic Freedom and Flowers of Liberation
By Rachel Ida Buff and S. Ani Mukherji

Invocations of Academic Freedom

Against the Common Sense: Academic Freedom as a Collective Right
By Eva Cherniavsky

Queered Outrage: Reclaiming Anger amid Facile Calls for Campus Civility
By Cathryn Bailey and Susan K. Freeman

Educating from the Margins: Academic Librarians and Academic Freedom
By Alexis Logsdon and Danya Leebaw

Histories of Struggle

Confession and Mirage: Professor Mas`uda and the Ashkenazim-for-Palestine in Israel’s Academe
By Smadar Lavie

A Mosquito on an Elephant’s Behind: The Third World News Review and Cedric and Elizabeth Robinson’s Community Media
By Joshua Myers

Austerity and Organizing

Class Politics, Crisis, and Opportunity: A Call for Solidarity
By Douglas Alberto Medina and Anya Yankovich Spector

Making the Invisible Visible: Organizing against the Instructionally Harmful, Antidemocratic Effects of Institutional Debt
By Eleni Schirmer, Jason Wozniak, Dana Morrison, Joanna Gonsalves, and Rich Levy

Toward Abolitionist Unionism: Resisting Pandemics, Police, and Academic Austerity at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
By Chelsea Birchmier, Austin Hoffman, Logan Middleton, A. Naomi Paik, and Angela Ting

Public Higher Education in Puerto Rico: Disaster, Austerity, and Resistance
By Rima Brusi and Isar Godreau

The Material Means of Mental Production

Forbidden Words: Academic Freedom, Censorship, and University Presses
By Marc Dollinger

The Palestinian Exception in the Age of Zoom: A Bellwether for Academic Freedom
By Bill V. Mullen

Class, Politics, and Higher Education: Universities and the Capitalist State Thirty Years On
By Clyde W. Barrow, Isaac Kamola, and Heather Steffen

Poster design by Favianna Rodriguez using artwork by various artists from Reproduce and Revolt, 2006, scan from the Center for the Study of Political Graphics.